martes, 29 de julio de 2014

Two Mothers

KATJA (43) and ISABELLA (37) decide to beget a child. The married couple agrees on not wanting a third person to have a say The sperm, not a father. Like many lesbian couples in Germany they have to find out that the road to a common child is much harder than expected: Most of the sperm banks and fertility clinics do not offer treatment for homosexual couples because of legal purposes. After finally finding a doctor who is willing to offer very expensive inseminations for lesbian women, the fertilization does not work for months. Katja wants to quit the treatment while Isa suffers more and more because of the failures and the bad financial situation they are getting in. However Isa can not give up and finds a trader who sells utilities with which one can inseminate oneself at home. Thousands of men are offering their sperm for money on his website. A casting for potential donators begins which endures over several grueling weeks. In this time Katja discovers that Isa is willing to betray their pact as well as their relationship in order to fulfill her wish of becoming pregnant. As they finally meet GO FOR GOLD (31), who already fathered 20 children in three years and who demands regular contact with the emerging child, Isa makes her way and ignores Katja. Go for Gold ejaculates in a cup and Katja injects Isa the longed-for white gold.

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